AI Marketing – Use Cases You Can Pitch to Your Management

AI Marketing – Use Cases You Can Pitch to Your Management

With the advancement in intelligent technology solutions, marketers have started to adopt these techniques for increasing the efficiency, productivity and sales of the respective business organizations. About 61% of marketers prefer artificial intelligence in marketing for their data strategy.

These intelligent solutions marketing platforms enable businesses to gain comprehensive data and understanding about their target audience. By the end of 2020, about 85% of the customer interactions will be conducted by marketers with the help of AI-based technology. This AI-based marketing helps marketers get the ease of their workload while collecting data to drive conversions for sales.

In this guide, you will learn about artificial intelligence marketing and its components, benefits, examples, usage, and challenges. So, follow till the end for impactful resources and understanding of the concept.

AI Marketing: Definition

AI marketing is all about the utilization of artificial intelligence technologies and solutions to generate automated strategies and decisions. These decisions are based on data analysis, economic trends, data collection, and customer insights to make impactful marketing results.

If any business needs to grow faster, then the use of AI can be an excellent solution for marketing efforts. Artificial intelligence and marketing combine to analyze customers' data, learn the best way to communicate with the target audience, and tailor messages accordingly. This helps businesses to achieve maximum efficiency. To avoid human interference and nuance in marketing, the use of AI is the best option.

AI Marketing: Components You Must Know

As of 2020, about 30% of companies will use AI for at least one sales process. AI has proved to be significant for marketers to connect with their target audience. Following are the components of AI in digital marketing that helped businesses fill the gap between the amount of data collected and their necessary actions.

  1. Machine Learning
  2. Machine learning is a part of AI that runs on computer algorithms that helps to analyze data and make automated improvements via experience. Marketers use AI to leverage machine learning for analyzing new data related to the historical data to enable decisions based on what worked out in the past and what didn't.

  3. The Influx of Data And Analytics
  4. With the emergence of data analytics in digital marketing, there has been an enormous influx of data. This has provided the marketers with opportunities to understand the efforts of data. However, AI has helped marketers to get abundant data sources for their customer databases.

  5. AI-Powered Solutions
  6. AI-powered platforms are an effective and efficient place for marketers to manage the vast amount of data collected on the database. These platforms enable the marketers to use marketing intelligence on the target audience for making decisions based on data.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

There are plenty of use cases of artificial intelligence in advertising and marketing. Each of them yields specific benefits such as speed enhancement, customer satisfaction, a boost in revenue, and risk reduction.

However, some of the top benefits of applying AI in marketing are:

  1. Real-Time Personalization
  2. AI helps marketers to deliver customized and personalized messages at the right time without any human interference. AI-based real-time personalization also helps the marketers to know the risk consumers and provide them with specific messages to re-engage them with the business or brand.

  3. Better ROI From Marketing Campaigns
  4. Suppose marketers know how to leverage AI marketing properly. In that case, they can boost their marketing programs by using the most valuable customer insights from the database to take action in real-time. Also, AI platforms enable marketers with quick decision-making abilities to allocate funds across media platforms. AI for advertising analyzes and determines the most effective and valuable ad placements to engage the customers constantly. This, in turn, adds higher ROI to the businesses.

  5. Improvised Marketing Measures
  6. Many businesses find it challenging to track all the data gathered from digital marketing campaigns. This affects the marketers to achieve the highest potential of success from those campaigns. However, AI-based dashboards enable marketers and businesses to get a comprehensive view of the working of marketing measures and implement them on various channels accordingly.

  7. Faster Decision-Making
  8. AI can perform data analysis much faster than human counterparts as they use machine learning to derive conclusions based on marketing campaigns. This quick decision-making ability enables the marketers with time to concentrate on strategic decisions. With the introduction of AI, marketers won't have to wait for the marketing campaigns to end for making decisions. However, they use better real-time analytics to choose the best media platforms.

  9. AI-Enhanced PPC Advertising
  10. You may already know that marketers use Facebook and Adwords to allocate their budgets for pay-per-click or PPC. According to the statistics, Google has the most control over the digital advertising market by 40.7%, whereas Facebook controls over 19.7% of the ads. These PPC ad campaigns are mainly organized and managed by in-house teams or agencies. However, AI can enable you to discover new advertising channels that may be unique to your competitors.

    AI-powered systems enable marketers to test and explore various ad platforms to optimize their ad delivery to the target audience. For instance, Albert is an ads intelligence marketing platform that enables marketers with autonomous service of media buying. This marketing effort requires minimal human input while AI handles the overall operations of a paid ad campaign.

  11. AI-Powered Content Creation
  12. Content creators can enjoy more efficient work with the help of natural-language generation. By the end of 2018, about 20% of business content has become authorized by machines.

    This AI-based power content creation happens with some simple sets and formats, like:

    • Hotel Descriptions

    • Profit And Loss Summaries

    • Business Reports On Quarterly Basis

    • Insights of Real-Time Stock

    Nowadays, marketers can focus more on strategy and implementation as the AI tools can perform automated generation of email content, customized blog posts, social media content and personalized reports.

Examples of Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

Artificial intelligence in marketing examples starts with the use cases in broad industries like government, healthcare, financial services, entertainment, etc. However, every example yields different results ranging from enhancement in campaign performance to improved customer experience or maximum efficiency in marketing efforts.

There are several other examples of how artificial intelligence like machine learning can enable comprehensive marketing strategies. Some of them are:

  1. Choosing The Right Message With Customization
  2. The customer response to messages varies from channel to channel. Some customers may resonate with humorous messages, while some may resonate with emotional appeals through messages. This is where AI-based machine learning comes to aid. This approach tracks the response of the customer's to messages, stores the data, analyzes them, prepares a new list of customized and personalized messages, and creates an updated user profile. This enables marketers to deliver customized messages to customers based on their preferences.

    For instance, machine learning is used by companies like Netflix to understand the insights of customers about their preferred genres. Then, Netflix customizes the artwork to match the preference of the customers. This collected data helps the marketers to boost their conversion rates and enhance the experience of the customers.

  3. Buying Programmatic Media
  4. One of the most common problems encountered by marketers is deciding the place where to put the messages and advertisements. Based on the preferences of the customers, marketers can make informed plans. However, these marketers cannot change the plan in real-time based on the latest information of the users.

    Here, the use of AI in marketing enables marketers to eliminate this problem with programmatic advertising. These platforms leverage machine learning to fetch ad space preferred by target customers in real-time. This ad space is determined on the basis of data such as location, interests, purchase history, the intent of buyers, and so on. This helps marketers to boost any organization's growth by targeting the proper media channels at the right time, at a competitive yet reasonable price.

    Conclusively, programmatic buying states how AI can improve marketing efforts and flexibility as per the needs and preferences of the customers.

  5. Detailed Personalization
  6. Nowadays, consumers prefer detailed personalization from marketers. This means that the marketing based messages must be informed on the basis of the user's interests, transaction history, purchase history, previous brand interactions, location, etc. Here, artificial intelligence helps marketers go further the demographic data and learn customers' preferences on a granular personalized level. For instance, Spotify uses AI to make their customized playlists based on the music taste, past song records, latest hits of your favourite genre, and so on. Marketers use AI to get these databases of their listeners and users to create personalized playlists with customization of genres. This approach by Spotify has helped it to become the top streaming app for music.

  7. Chatbots And Communication Services
  8. AI-based natural language processing helps marketers to enhance their business websites and media platforms with chatbots. These chatbots serve as a great alternative to human interaction with customers and work as augmented agents for customer service. This AI-based technology enables the customers to get quick, immediate, and accurate answers to their queries regarding the business, products or services. This communication service allows the marketers to gather historical data of the customers to ensure personalized results.

Final Thoughts

So, from this guide, you must have understood the importance of artificial intelligence in today's marketing world. Any business can reach its organizational goals and success with the help of the latest AI-based technological solutions infused with marketing efforts. Contact us at Wersel Workdesk to know how our proprietary AI based Brand Analytics solutions can help you business reach the next echelon of success.



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