Top Video Analytics Measures for Your Business

Top Video Analytics Measures for Your Business

Did you launch a video related to your business on the internet? If yes, you may be relieved about the job. However, the real success of the video is yet uncertain. You will have to keep monitoring its performance after the launch. Is the video establishing a connection with your audience? Are you getting any return on investment from your video?

The best answers to these questions can be known through video analytic measures or video metrics. This is the most crucial part of your video process for the business. Large companies like Amazon have received significant success in their business growth through video metrics for their videos over social media.

What Exactly Is Video Analytics Measures?

Video analytics metrics or measures are the best way to improve the marketing of your business. You can use the various video metrics to identify the success of your business launch. About 63% of video marketers get successful results through video engagement, with 58% of video views. These metrics will help you to know whether the video is helping to generate leads, convert sales, retain clients, or generate revenue or not. Some of the top video metrics can help your business in many ways.

Best Video Analytic Measures For Your Business

If you want to know the performance of your business video on internet platforms like YouTube or Facebook, then check these few video metrics.

  1. Total Watch Time

    Watch time for your videos is the total number of times viewers have played and watched your videos. This metric helps you to know how much longer a viewer stays engaged with your video content. According to the algorithm followed by Youtube, your videos will get ranked based on the watch time, but not view counts. A video with the maximum amount of watch time will help it to rank up in the search and feature videos in your content-related section. So, try to use captivating stories within your video content to engage the viewers for as long as possible.

  2. Average Duration of Views

    The average view duration of your videos is the total amount of its watch time divided by the total number of times the video has been played along with replays. This measure tells how long a viewer watches your video on average. The average duration of views is very helpful to business as a video analytic measure. It tells you the video length preference of the viewers. For example, if you get an average view of 40 seconds for your 60 seconds long video, you will have to work on that remaining 20 seconds. You can either improve your 20 seconds of video content quality or cut a few clips down.

  3. Engagement Rate

    If you’re using Facebook for posting your video content, then know it’s a few algorithms. For instance, the likes, shares, and comments on Facebook are the best way to determine how well your video resonates with the audience. Engaging your videos with the audience is one of the most effective ways to boost the organic reach of your videos. If a part of the audience resonates well with your videos, Facebook will consider it to resonate with other audiences.

    Engagement for your videos will help your marketers to fetch valuable data about the audience. For instance, your video's comments will help you find the emotional impact of your videos on the audience. Is your audience angry with a video on a controversial business topic? Are they inspired by your videos? You can collect the reactions of your audience as data for making better video content in the future.

  4. Re-Watch For Videos

    Re-watch for your videos is the amount of time spent by your audience on a specific or full part of the video again. If a large part of your audience prefers to re-watch a specific part of your video, then they are probably engaged and captivated with the topic covered by that segment of the video clip. If you use this metric for your videos, you can easily identify the topics that connect more with the audience. You can work on your video strategy to improvise it with content related to those re-watched topics.

  5. Click-Through-Rate

    Click-Through-Rate (CTR)measures the number or percentage of viewers who click through your call-to-action (CTA) added on the video content. This CTA will help you determine the encouragement of your viewers to take the desired actions. However, you must remember that viewers who don’t watch your complete video will most probably not make any click on CTA. So, you must focus on engaging your audience till the end of your video. If your business has the vision to drive encouragement within the viewers to take action by clicking on CTA after watching your video content, then improve your click-through rate. You can follow a few simple tips to improve your CTR in your videos, such as:

    • Change the position of your CTA. You can place the CTA at three different points in your video to make it more visible and compelling.

    • You can try to place the CTA at the beginning, middle, and end of your video. However, leaving the CTA at the end of your video can give you the best results. A viewer who has watched your entire video has a higher chance to take actions by CTA than a viewer who just clicked and played your video.

    • Many viewers tend not to watch the entire video content. In such a scenario, you can either place the CTA at the average watch time or simply improve your video quality and content to engage the viewers till the end for taking action.

    Moreover, you must focus on placing CTAs relevant to your video topics and contents. This will help you to get more responses from the audience.

  6. Audience Feedback

    On YouTube, feedback from the audience plays a key role as a YouTube analytics metrics to determine the success and progress of your video content. You must focus on the negative feedback from your audience to work and improvise with them. This feedbacks are in the form of the number of people who hide your video, the number of people who reported your videos as inappropriate, or the number of dislikes after watching it. Take lessons from the video responses with the maximum amount of negative feedback to eliminate irrelevant or offensive content or ineffective topics from your video content in the future.

  7. Play Rate

    Play rate is an important metric that tells how well your video encourages the viewers to click the play button. In simple terms, it is the number of people who played your video content divided by the number of visitors to your video’s host page. For instance, if the number of viewers for your videos is 20,000 and the number of host page visitors is 40,000, your video's play rate will be 50%. The higher the play rate, the better your video success. However, if you notice a lower play rate for your videos, then follow few things to improve them, such as:

    • Improve your video thumbnail to entice a large audience to compel your audience to click on your video.

    • Optimize your video title with some unique yet attractive phrases.

    • You must focus on embedding your video in the right place on your host page.

    So, take a first step towards the improvisation of your play rate, which will automatically increase your view count, watch time, and engagement.

  8. Audience Feedback

    A bounce rate for your webpage is the number of people who visit it but leave without moving forward to some other pages. You must optimize your website to lower your bounce rate for more audience engagement. You can use video content to guide the visitors to click on the CTA on your website or navigate to some other webpage to find videos associated with various other web pages. You have to make a series of interesting, compelling, and enticing videos to make them visit your entire web page for watching videos.

  9. Audience Feedback

    Your YouTube performance metrics help you to find how successful your video content is for the business.Similarly, your video’s conversion rate determines how much success you have driven from the video for the business. This metric tells you how many viewers are persuaded from your video to convert themselves into leads or clients. You can check if the videos on your web pages are increasing or decreasing the conversion rate of your landing page or not. If your videos are increasing the conversion rates from landing pages, then your videos are finally giving your higher returns on investment.

    For a better conversion rate, you can set a target for each video with higher margins and standards than your previous video marketing results. You can use the video analytics metric as mentioned above to improve and enhance your possibilities of conversion. You can use YouTube cards for enhancing your conversion rates of YouTube videos.

  10. Audience Feedback

    Audience retention is the measure of the number of people who watch your video from the beginning to the end after playing it. Social platforms like YouTube and Facebook display the audience retention for your videos in the form of graphs. If you see a sudden downfall curve for your audience retention, then analyze that particular video clip segment and work on that specific topic to make better video content in the future.

    So, follow these crucial video analytics measures to improve the quality and success of your video content.

    Follow these metrics and achieve your business or marketing goals through your video content. Wersel offers outcome oriented brand analytics solutions for video marketing that help you maintain your reputation online and boost your user base.



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