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Prevent marketplace infringement with our market monitoring services.

Accurate market monitoring and legit enforcement services for your business to maintain its supremacy in the marketplace.

Overview - Market Monitoring Service

Online marketplaces are very prone to illicit counterfeit product sales and IP (intellectual property) infringement. Despite being a punishable offense, many sellers and online marketplace owners indulge in selling fake products through dubious websites. And yet, many analytics companies fail to provide solution-oriented services to enterprises to counter these issues. Therefore, Wersel believes in providing explicitly reinforced and highly effective marketplace monitoring services to its clients.

At Wersel, we house the teams of highly proficient and seasoned analysts who know how to safeguard and monitor your brand in the highly dynamic marketplace. We adhere to a highly accurate product review mechanism to validate the IP infringement to ensure that your brand reputation remains intact.

Our marketplace monitoring services revolve around eliminating the reputation, legal, and financial risks that may come following an IP infringement incident. How do we do it? By continually monitoring the sellers, web domains, and product listings in the vital marketplace. We also employ a multidirectional approach and analyze the subtle components like imagery, product descriptions, customer review, sale return rate, etc., to identify potential infringements.

Services include

Trademark Protection

We monitor the key marketplaces for unauthorized intellectual property usage. We incorporate the use of highly intelligent software to detect the illegitimate use of your brand's logo, copyrighted imagery, patents, rogue website, and pirated content and protect the trademark property of your brand.

Safeguard Web Traffic

Our experts monitor the online market space for malicious practices intended to divert your user traffic through counterfeit websites and black-hat SEO techniques.

Protect Consumers

We thoroughly monitor online marketplaces to identify and eliminate counterfeit goods to maintain your brand's credibility and offer authentic products to consumers.

Grow and Safeguard Revenue

The counterfeit websites and duplicate products puncture your streamlined revenue; we detect and prevent infringement issues from curbing revenue theft.

Tactical Enforcement

The key to eliminating infringement and counterfeit issues is identifying, designing, and enforcing preventive action against the root cause of infringement.

Why Partner with Wersel Workdesk?

Wersel houses teams of highly qualified personnel to monitor the marketplace for your brand. We give utmost importance to identify and comprehend the counterfeit issues. And after validating the counterfeit product/ service, we deploy the anti-counterfeit enforcement mechanism to prevent the counterfeited goods from every channel. But why hire Wersel? Because you get the following benefits with Wersel's market monitoring services-

Find the sellers that sell your products

Locate your sellers


Spontaneous interface

Ability to comprehend data

Discount information

Get notifications on your email

Export pages

Real-time chat assistance

There are innumerable challenges that enterprises face when it comes to trademark infringement and counterfeit goods. Not only do these infringements cause the enterprises to lose a significant amount of revenue, but the brand reputation also suffers a downfall. But Wersel is the one-stop destination for all sorts of marketplace monitoring services you need.

Interested in a marketplace monitoring?

Connect with us to get top notch marketplace monitoring services with the analytics experts at Wersel.